Optional Advanced Management and Data Replication
The optional Navisphere Manager Suite extends the capabilities of the AX4-5 to meet the needs of growing and distributed organisations. Easily discover, configure, manage, and monitor all aspects of your Dell AX4-5. Users can also manage multiple Dell/EMC arrays including AX and CX systems, all from a single console, whether locally or from a remote location over a secure connection. It also supports EMC SnapView, for multiple point-in-time snapshots and full-volume copies of critical data.
100-562-503/STPE15 EMC 100-562-503 VNX5100 15-Slot Storage Array w/ 2x 071-000-529 2x 110-140-402B
071-000-529 EMC 071-000-529 ACBEL 875W 1U Power Supply Unit VNX
110-140-412B EMC Storage Processor for VNXE3300 110-140-412B w/1Gbe 303-162-000A&12GB RAM
备件号 描述
AX4-5F-DE Dell EMC Clariion MPE AX4-5F-DE FX984 SAS / SATA iSCSI Array 2U Storage Array
071-000-503 EMC 071-000-503 FPA550E 856-851288-01 Dell 0KW255 420W Power Supply
100-562-716/100-562-382 Dell EMC 1GB Storage Processor with 2x 4Gbit Fibre ports 100-562-716
005049036 Dell EMC 600GB 15K 3.5" AX-SS15-600 005049036 AX4-5F AX4-5I Hard Drive
005048958 EMC 005048958 - EMC 600gb 15k 3,5in 3Gb SAS HDD for AX
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