A Complete Scientific Toolset
Igor Pro is a fully interactive software environment where you can experiment with your scientific and engineering data AND produce publication-quality graphs and graphics.
Comprehensive statistics and curve fitting for data analysis
Includes a powerful suite of image processing operations for image filtering, manipulation, and quantification.
o XLLoadWave ((加载Excel文件).
o MLLoadWave (加载Matlab的MAT文件,需要Matlab 2010b或更高版本).
o JCAMPLoadWave (加载JCAMP-DX光谱数据).
o GBLoadWave (加载一般二进制数据).
o SoundLoadWave and SoundSaveWave (loads and saves sound files).
o SplitWave, FindDuplicates, SortColumns, ListToTextWave, ListToWaveRefWave, WaveRefWaveToList, JointHistogram, SumSeries, SumDimension, FindContour, DPSS, MultiTaperPSD, ICA, URLRequest, GetEnvironmentVariable, SetEnvironmentVariable, UnsetEnvironmentVariable, LambertW, gammaEuler, sinIntegral, cosIntegral, expIntegralE1, zeta, Dilogarithm, ImageSkeleton3D, Jacobi elliptic functions JacobiSn and JacobiCn