Recursive bivariate probit
Individual or proportions data
Partial effects
Partial observability models (Abowd, Poirier, Meng/Schmidt)
Choice based sampling
Restrictions, LM and LR
Sample selection model
Panel data, random parameters, random effects
Simultaneous equations
Multivariate probit
Nonlinear Least Squares Regression
Nonlinear instrumental variables
Efficient GMM
Weighted nonlinear least squares
Model specification
Recursive function definition
Analytic or numeric derivatives
All algebraic operators and any level of parentheses
Matrix bilinear and quadratic forms
Mathematical functions (exp, sin, phi, gma, etc.)
Univariate and bivariate normal integrals
Hermite and Laguerre quadrature
Simulation estimation
Fixed parameters
Several algorithms
Up to 20 equations - GHK simulator
Marginal effects
Restrictions and tests of restrictions
Sample selection model
Heteroscedastic probit or logit models
LM tests
Partial effects: average, at means
Two step estimation: use previous results or pass results to another estimator
and Spady
Maximum score
Nonparametric regression
Panel data
Random effects - quadrature or simulation
Unconditional fixed effects one and two way
Random parameters
Latent class
Conditional logit fixed effects
LR and LM tests for effects