A binning feature can now be used to transform continuous values into a smaller number of distinct categories. It may be used to reduce the effect of numerical outliers, abnormal distributions, or convert a continuous numerical variable into an ordinal one. It is especially useful for creating graphic displays of comparisons when the number of distinct values in the numerical variable is too high.
You can remove selected “noise” words or change the attributes to obtain an accurate understanding of the analyzed unstructured content.
Numerical Transformation
A new numerical transformation dialog box allows you to compute numerical variables from other variables with up to 50 transformation functions including trigonometric, statistical, random number functions. Conditional transformation can also be performed using an IF-THEN-ELSE logical structure.
New Grid view mode for coding short responses
While appropriate for coding long documents, the standard document/case centric view of QDA Miner was less suited for coding short text responses such as response to open-ended questions or short comments. Now, QDA Miner 6 introduces a new grid view mode that provides a convenient and very efficient way to code this kind of text data. It is useful for everyone coding any type of open-ended comments, including surveys, employee comments, customer comments and allows one to quickly identify trends in a survey or major support issues that need to be addressed. It includes features such as: