Molar Ext./Abs.@280: Theoretical extinction coefficient / absorption of the protein at 280 nm.
Highlights: Percentage of the sequence, which is inverted (highlighted) or underlined, updated dynamically.
Sel. mass: Mass of the selected (highlighted) part of the sequence. Shown as singly, doubly and triply charged peptide (i.e. residue mass + 18 + charge). Updated dynamically. Note that unlike the peptide mass shown in the toolbar of the sequence window, this is the charged ion. More on peptide selections in part 3.
Select File|Open or click on the ‘Open file’ icon. This opens the ‘Open sequence library’ dialog:
You may now open a sequence either by selecting it with the mouse followed by ‘OK’ (or the Enter key), or you may double-click on the sequence name to open it directly. Alternatively you can select multiple sequences by holding down the Ctrl key while selecting for a discontinuous selection. Use the Shift key for a continuous selection. You open all the selected sequence by pressing the ‘OK’ button. The ‘Back’ button returns you to the file selection dialog. The right-hand drop-down box lists the most recently opened files.
Are often used to transmit information from daughter windows (i.e. mass search) to the main sequence window.
As they are residue-related, they are always specific to a given sequence.