GeneQuest offers a comprehensive set of analytical methods to facilitate finding and annotating the genes and regulatory elements on a sequence.
Lasergene Molecular Biology has you covered for important sequence analysis tasks including multiple sequence alignments, PCR primer design, in silico cloning, and Sanger sequence assembly.
Powered by SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary application for sequence assembly and alignment, Lasergene Genomics enables you to set up complex genomic sequencing projects in mere minutes, and automates tasks that typically require extensive manual intervention with other NGS tools. Integrated analysis allows you to see and understand your sequencing results with ease.
including the ability to batch clone groups of fragments simultaneously, and guides you step-by-step in preparing your vectors and amplifying your inserts using all of the most popular cloning methods: Gateway, Gateway Multisite, Gibson, GeneArt, In-Fusion, TA, TOPO, and PCR-