Welcome to CrystalMaker Software: creators of elegant, powerful software for crystalline and molecular materials. Our focus is in using interactive graphics to empower users with a vivid visual understanding of structure and properties: to "see the wood for the trees". Our award-winning software is now used by thousands of scientists, engineers and students - spread across 6 continents and over 60 countries.
虽然内置的库对教学很有帮助,但研究人员想要可视化他们自己的数据——CrystalMaker可以做到。CrystalMaker X允许您从40多种不同格式导入数据,具有即时显示和强大的定制功能。CrystalMaker可以处理多结构文件,如DL_POLY HISTORY——使用CrystalMaker的synchronization和animation功能来快速理解结构行为、晶格动力学和可视化模拟轨迹。CrystalMaker也可以处理真正巨大的结构。利用我们特的“Depth Profiling”工具,快速扫描对大型结构感兴趣的区域——非常适合描述计算机模型的结果。
1. 3ED Volumetric
2. ATOMS (v4, v5)
3. CASTEP Cell
4. CASTEP Output
5. CASTEP Volumetric
6. CCL
7. Chem3D Cartesian
CrystalMaker X包括一个含1000多个结构的集成结构库:带注释、索引和预览——随时可以显示。该库包括所有主要的岩石形成矿物(350+结构),以及重要的无机和有机晶体和分子,从布基球到沸石、从陶瓷到高温超导体。还包括一个水晶化学式结构的教学库,还有主题库,涵盖了化学战、药物化学、食品香料等。
您可以在Library Browser中按文件夹或平面视图浏览结构,也可以通过选择缩略图并使用注释查看旋转结构来简单浏览。这不仅仅是一个静态的库:您可以添加您自己的内容,将结构分组到文件夹中,并利用CrystalMaker强大的搜索功能:通过文件名、注释或化学公式进行搜索。
Welcome to CrystalMaker Software: creators of elegant, powerful software for crystalline and molecular materials. Our focus is in using interactive graphics to empower users with a vivid visual understanding of structure and properties: to "see the wood for the trees". Our award-winning software is now used by thousands of scientists, engineers and students - spread across 6 continents and over 60 countries.
Interactive Diffraction Software
CrystalMaker can be extended to simulate x-ray and neutron powder diffraction patterns, using CrystalDiffract. Featuring real-time parameter control, mixture generation and comparison with real data, CrystalDiffract is an ideal way to characterize your diffraction results!