The Coordinate Posting window provides a map of sample locations coded by sample values. Values can be divided into quartiles, percentiles, or a variety of other distributions.
Kriging, Cokriging, Conditional Simulation, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), and other Interpolations
geostatistics software mapping
2D Geostatistics
geostatistics software mapping
GS+ means geostatistics
Geostatistics is not an add-on feature of GS+ – it is the heart of the software. Many of our users have access to other geostatistics tools within their favorite GIS or mapping programs, but come to GS+ for their serious geostatistical analyses. Because GS+ output is compatible with industry standards, GS+ can be used directly with many of these other programs. Or it can be used standalone – GS+ has its own data worksheet (which also accepts Excel, Access, and other types of data files) and produces its own maps.