GeoStudio 提供了强大的可视化工具, 包括图形、轮廓图、等值线图、动画、交互式数据查询和数据导出到电子表格以供进一步分析。
测量的气候数据可以导入到一个耦合的TEMP/W和SEEP/W分析以确定实际地表温度有或没有积雪, 实际蒸发率。冬季, TEMP/W将使用降水数据积累积雪深度。能量平衡方法用于计算雪下的地温, 并在春季融化积雪。这些信息是用来确定表面积水, 径流和渗透。
NorSand Material Model in SIGMA/W
The NorSand material model can be used to analyze tailings storage facilities, reinforced earth, and many other classes of geotechnical problems. In keeping with other Critical State Soil Models, the NorSand material model links the stress-strain response of a soil to the void ratio. The NorSand model is able to properly capture the drained and undrained response of loose and dense soils, including liquefaction.
Strength Reduction Stability Added to SIGMA/W
Load-Deformation2SIGMA/W now offers Strength Reduction Stability, allowing for the assessment of the safety factor without having to pre-suppose the shape of the slip surface. Deformation patterns are naturally revealed and soil-structure interactions are rigorously and intuitively handled.