Fortran 2003 offers major improvements over Fortran 95, largely completing the ability to perform object oriented programming begun with Fortran 90. In addition, it introduces the concept of an intrinsic module. An intrinsic module contains encapsulated intrinsic procedures and/or data that presents a standardized means of providing a service defined by that intrinsic module. An example of an intrinsic module is ISO_C_BINDING, which presents a standardized interface the Fortran user can utilize to interface with a C compiler, and defines type parameters that can be used to represent C pointers and data in Fortran code. Another intrinsic module, ISO_FORTRAN_ENV provides information about the execution environment the program is running in. A companion C compiler is provided that can be called using ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module. Currently, the most notable exception to complete compliance is the lack of support for IEEE 1989 exception handling via the IEEE_ARITHMETIC intrinsic module.
Win32 API Access
LF Fortran 95 supports direct calls from Fortran to functions in the Win32 API. For a narrow range of applications, this might be the last little bit of glue you need to pull off your project. Note that this is not for the faint-hearted! You'll need to be a Windows programmer to get all but the most basic functionality. That's because the API was written to be called from C. And consequently, arguments need to be passed as C expects them. Structures and callback routines pose additional problems. Clearly, this would be a difficult way to build a Windows application from scratch.
To support the compilers, Lahey provides the sophisticated Visual Studio 2015 development environment with an unprecedented level of Fortran-intelligent features to dramatically improve programming productivity. Check out LF Fortran for a look at what real language support looks like!
A new standard for Fortran programming from the leader in Fortran language systems.