Row/Column views for rotated grids are projected on NS/EW planes rather than on rotated model co-ordinate axes
In some cases, surfaces generated using the model domain polygon did not fully span the model domain due to differences in numerical precision.
Visual MODFLOW Flex Applications
Visual MODFLOW Flex can be used for an array of groundwater applications.
Delineate well capture zones for domestic water supply development
Design and optimize pumping well locations for mine dewatering projects
Determine contaminant fate and exposure pathways for risk assessment
Simulate surface water-groundwater interactions
Watershed scale/regional groundwater modeling
Evaluate groundwater remediation systems (pump and treat, funnel and gate etc)
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR)
Evaluate saltwater intrusion
Visual MODFLOW Flex在单一的集成软件环境中提供基于GIS的三维概念建模和数值模拟。这减少了维护昂贵的第三方预处理工具的需要,消除了在不同软件包和数据格式之间来回传输数据的*出错的过程。
Visual MODFLOW Flex具备处理大量详细、高分辨率数据的能力。支持64位系统,您可以利用64位计算机上可用的额外内存,模拟大型复杂的区域尺度地下水系统。
Groundwater Flow & Contaminant Transport Modeling Software
Visual MODFLOW Flex is more than a graphical user interface for MODFLOW groundwater simulations. Visual MODFLOW Flex brings together industry-standard codes for groundwater flow and contaminant transport, essential analysis and calibration tools, and stunning 3D visualization capabilities in a single, easy-to-use software environment.
With Visual MODFLOW Flex, groundwater modelers have all the tools required for addressing local to regional-scale water quality, groundwater supply, and source water protection issues.
Full GIS Integration
Easily construct your grid-independent hydrogeologic conceptual model in minutes using existing GIS data sets.