Complete Software Suite
The GRAMS Suite provides a broad collection of tools to meet the needs of scientists
engaged in a wide variety of spectroscopic
experiments and disciplines. The GRAMS
Suite is comprised of a collection of complementary and fully integrated applications
and modules centered on the core GRAMS/
AI™ spectroscopy data processing and
reporting software
The GRAMS IQ application extends the
capabilities of the GRAMS Suite with an
intuitive graphical user interface for creating
robust chemometric calibration models for
the laboratory and the production line. The
separate IQ Predict module can also be used
to deploy GRAMS IQ calibrations to multiple GRAMS/AI users.
GRAMS IQ - Powerful Tools for Easy
Creating robust chemometric models generally requires trying out many different approaches to working up the data. GRAMS
IQ is designed to make this process as simple
as possible for both qualitative and quantitative models. GRAMS IQ provides the user
with the tools to create, maintain, and extend
chemometric data sets. Spectral fi les can be
quickly added - including foreign formats using
SmartConvert. GRAMS IQ records the training sample information as well as allowing the
user to enter custom information about each
sample, if desired. Unique tools allow the user
to create multiple combinations of modeling
conditions to investigate as a series of separate
“experiments”. Relationships between these
experiments are recorded and displayed for the
The GRAMS Suite includes several productivity applications that can be used alone,
or in conjunction with GRAMS/A