GRAMS Suite光谱软件
使用Thermo Scientific™GRAMS™套件光谱软件解决您具挑战性的光谱数据分析难题。 该软件是用于可视化,处理和管理光谱数据的主要解决方案。
GC-MS Application Pack: Analyze data from
GC-MS experiments; calculate and compare single and total ion chromatograms,
automatic peak identifi cation, and spectral library searching (using the Spectral
ID GRAMS Suite application).
which visualizes, processes, and manages spectroscopy data. IQ Predict is one of many complementary, fully integrated applications that you can use with GRAMS Suite to customize the software to your needs and increase productivity in your area of spectroscopic analysis.
GRAMS IQ - Powerful Tools for Easy
Creating robust chemometric models generally requires trying out many different approaches to working up the data. GRAMS
IQ is designed to make this process as simple
as possible for both qualitative and quantitative models. GRAMS IQ provides the user
with the tools to create, maintain, and extend
chemometric data sets. Spectral fi les can be
quickly added - including foreign formats using
SmartConvert. GRAMS IQ records the training sample information as well as allowing the
user to enter custom information about each
sample, if desired. Unique tools allow the user
to create multiple combinations of modeling
conditions to investigate as a series of separate
“experiments”. Relationships between these
experiments are recorded and displayed for the