Represent Data at Its Best
Control every aspect of your plot down to the smallest detail. Grapher’s extensive customization options allow you to convey complex ideas in an easy-to-understand manner. Grapher displays your data at its very best.
The graph is created with the specified properties. You can change the
properties of a selected graph, plot, or axis through the Property Manager.
Creating Graphs in the Plot Window
The most common method of creating graphs is to use the Home | New
Graph commands. To create a graph in the plot window:
1. Click or scroll to the Home tab.
2. In the New Graph group, click the Basic, Bar, Polar, Ternary,
Specialty, Statistical, or Contour Surface plot category.
3. Click on the plot type you would like to create.
4. Select a data file in the Open Worksheet dialog and click Open. If you
are creating a contour grid map or surface grid map, you are prompted
for a .GRD file. If you are creating
Grapher 2D/3D绘图和统计分析软件
Each item in the Object Manager list consists of an icon indicating the
object type, a text label for the object, and a visibility check box. A check
mark indicates that the object is visible. An empty box indicates that
the object is not visible. Click the check box to change the visibility of the
item. Invisible objects do not appear in the plot window or on printed
To change the visibility for multiple selected objects, right-click in the
Object Manager and click Toggle Visibility. Visible selected objects will
be hidden, and hidden selected objects will become visible.