The rectangle is used for activities or action steps. These are things that must be done.
A Process Shape
CircleA circle containing a letter or number means that this chart connects to another chart on a different page. The same circle and number are then the entry point on the new page. It is best not to use these, but sometimes they are necessary.
If you are working in a group, it is advantageous to label each chart with the name of the person or group who created it and the date of creation. It is a also a good idea to have a key which lists the shapes you use in a chart and what they mean. An example is shown below:
Right-click on a shape or line and choose Properties. You can change the color, width, and style of a shape's lines and change the color and style of the interior fill. You can select gradient fills and hatched patterns for shapes. With each color you can select an alpha transparency that allows the background to show through a shape. Line and curves drawn in RFFlow are antialised giving them a smooth appearance. You can also size or rotate a shape, add a shadow to a shape, add a shape number, make a shape a header or footer, link a shape to a file, assign a shape to a layer, set a stacking order, or change a shape to another shape. These operations can also be performed on a group of selected shapes.
Flowcharts are helpful in understanding a complicated process. This is especially true if you have to make decisions and do different steps depending on those decisions. By looking at a flowchart you can visually follow different paths through the chart. For each step on a flowchart you can ask yourself "Is this step necessary? Can it be improved?"