Selection Echo Commmand
新窗口菜单选项来打开Selection Echo窗口
Real time panning, zooming and rotating in 3D
Optimized OpenGL graphics for improved hardware rendering
Texture mapping of images on surfaces
Transparency of contours, texture maps, surfaces, iso-surfaces
Light source and specularity
Cut away views to see the inside
3D cross sections at any angle
Create animation videos - create fly-bys, animate transient data, moving cross sections
Constraints (以前叫 "UGrid Structure") 允许您确定细胞的类型和编辑的允许的操作以及他们如何在UGrid上执行。
Dedication to MODFLOW support
All versions of MODFLOW supported: USG, LGR, NWT, 2005, 2000, 96, 88
Many MODFLOW packages supported (see table below) with more to come
Guaranteed to read any model that MODFLOW can run