SOILSALINITY – a module that creates indices to soil salinity based on reflectance in the blue, green, red and near-infrared bands. In total, 10 indices are supported.
WATERINDEX – a module that creates indices that are sensitive to the presence of water based on reflectance data.
生态系统服务建模 (ESM)是一个用于评估自然资本对可持续发展价值的空间决策支持系统。
Post-classification image editing options have also been added to the DIGITIZE menu. These facilitate the manual cleanup of classification by direct digitization, or by using the intersection of a digitized feature and a mask or masked class.
LANDSAT_UPSAMPLE – a module for the upsampling of LANDSAT 7 and 8 bands where pansharpening is not possible. The procedure is designed to honor the original values as closely as possible.
The Land Change Modeler has undergone a major revision:
LCM includes three new empirical modeling tools – Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Forest (an implementation of Random Forest) and Weighted Normalized Likelihood (WNL). The latter is capable of modeling large numbers of transitions in a rapid time frame.
We have also added the option to use a balanced sample with Logistic Regression, yielding transition potentials more in line with those produced by procedures such as LCM’s Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).
Revised to allow the automatic modeling of multiple transitions for all procedures, with the exception of SimWeight.
Adds the ability to quickly add all transitions to a single group, or to ungroup them and use automatic transition names.
Greatly improved control of project flow.