generate’s sum() function creates the vertical, running sum of its argument, whereas egen’s
total() function creates a constant equal to the overall sum. egen’s rowtotal() function, however,
creates the horizontal sum of its arguments. They all treat missing as zero. However, if the missing
option is specified with total() or rowtotal(), then newvar will contain missing values if all
values of exp or varlist are missing.
New reporting features in Stata 16:
• The dyndoc and markdown commands now create Word documents in addition to the HTML documents they previously created. Now, you can easily incorporate full Stata output and graphs with Markdown-formatted text to create customized Word documents.
• The Do-file Editor now provides syntax highlighting for Markdown language elements.
• The putdocx command now lets you include headers, footers, and page numbers. It also makes it easier to write large blocks of text.
• The html2docx command converts HTML documents, including CSS, to Word documents.
• The docx2pdf command converts Word documents to PDFs.
What is Bayesian analysis?
Bayesian analysis is a statistical analysis that answers research questions about unknown parameters
of statistical models by using probability statements. Bayesian analysis rests on the assumption that
all model parameters are random quantities and thus are subjects to prior knowledge. This assumption
is in sharp contrast with the more traditional, also called frequentist, statistical inference where all
parameters are considered unknown but fixed quantities. Bayesian analysis follows a simple rule
of probability, the Bayes rule, which provides a formalism for combining prior information with
evidence from the data at hand. The Bayes rule is used to form the so called posterior distribution of
model parameters. The posterior distribution results from updating the prior knowledge about model
parameters with evidence from the observed data. Bayesian analysis uses the posterior distribution to
form various summaries for the model parameters including point estimates such as posterior means,
medians, percentiles, and interval estimates such as credible intervals. Moreover, all statistical tests
about model parameters can be expressed as probability statements based on the estimated posterior