API and Plugin Development
Integrate crucial operations using Geneious Prime’s API and Plugin Development tools.
Reliable Reference Mapping
The exclusive Geneious Read mapper with its iterative approach produces superior results when compared to other popular mapping algorithms and can correctly align structural variants. If you need something a bit different, Bowtie, TopHat and BBMap are all at your fingertips.
Data Management
Simply drag and drop to import, export and convert your sequences, annotations and notes in common file formats including Genbank, SnapGene, FASTQ, FASTA, BAM, VCF, GFF, or import your complete Vector NTI database. Arrange and browse your data library how you like with document filtering, batch renaming, and document history automatically saved. Available for Mac, Windows and Linux.
Mapping and SNP Calling – Learn how to perform a reference assembly with NGS data and to call SNPs on the assembled contig.