因为GRAMS Suite与许多不同的仪器数据类型具有广泛的兼容性,并且具有简单的用户界面,所以它改善了对数据的访问,促进了协作,并减少了对多个软件包和相关培训的需求。
with colleagues easily and analyze it at their
desks rather than occupying valuable instrument workstations. In addition, GRAMS/AI
includes the GRAMS Convert application,
which can be used to quickly and easily fi nd,
identify, and convert all supported foreign
data fi les to the SPC fi le format at once
Broad Data File Compatibility
Using its unique SmartConvert™ technology,
the GRAMS Suite is compatible with data
fi les from hundreds of different instrument
control applications including Agilent/HP,
Beckman, Bio-Rad, Bruker, Gilson, Hitachi,
PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Varian and Waters/
Micromass. The GRAMS Suite also supports
a number of general-purpose data formats
such as SPC, ASCII, JCAMP, and AnDI/
NetCDF. For storing data, all GRAMS
Suite applications utilize the universal SPC
fi le format enabling scientists to share data
Network Enabled
With the optional Spectral ID Server software, organizations that routinely and widely
use spectral searching can share and centrally
manage spectral libraries. The Spectral ID
user software can perform searches on the
central server collections, or use libraries on
the local PC. For more information, see the
Enterprise Solutions section of this brochure.