TerrSet 的IDRISI图像处理系统是一套广泛的遥感图像恢复、增强、变换和分类的系统。
IDRISI Image Processing
The IDRISI Image Processing System in TerrSet is an extensive set of procedures for image restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed imagery.
DECISIONFOREST – an implementation of the random forest algorithm for classification. In addition to the hard classification, probabilistic soft classification images can also be output. DECISIONFOREST models can also be saved and used to classify novel imagery. Thus models can be trained in one location, or time, and then applied in a different location or time so long as the same variables (bands) are used.
CONSENSUS – a module that outputs the most common class assignment from a group of classifications. This is useful for the creation of ensemble classifications.
IDRISI GIS工具集提供了300多种分析工具,主要面向光栅数据,用于操作地理空间数据集,以探索我们快速变化的世界。