DNA Methylation Mechanism
In DNA, methylation usually occurs in the CpG islands, a CG rich region, upstream of the promoter region. The letter "p" here signifies that the C and G are connected by a phosphodiester bond. In humans, DNA methylation is carried out by a group of enzymes called DNA methyltransferases. These enzymes not only determine the DNA methylation patterns during the early development, but are also responsible for copying these patterns to the strands generated from DNA replication.
Beacon Designer 为qPCR检验设计和的oligos
Beacon Designer可以自动设计实时引物和探针。它被世界各地的分子生物学家用来设计成功的实时PCR分析。它节省了很多失败的实验所浪费的时间和金钱。Beacon Designer是实时引物和探头设计的灵活的解决方案。
具体而有效的设计:Beacon Designer如何使其成为可能
utomate Your Real Time PCR Primer and Probe Design
Beacon Designer™ automates the design of real time primers and probes. It is used by molecular biologists worldwide to design successful real time PCR assays. It saves the time and the money involved in failed experiments. Beacon Designer™ is a flexible solution to your real time primer and probe design needs and pays for itself many times over.
SYBR® Green is perhaps the most commonly used real time PCR chemistry. Beacon Designer™ designs SYBR® Green PCR primers and helps you evaluate pre-designed SYBR® Green PCR primer sets. You have complete control over the design parameters or you can use the default values, chosen after considerable research and communication with experts. You can even choose your own default design parameters for your specific research needs.
SYBR Green试验设计
SYBR Green可能是实时PCR化学中常用的。Beacon Designer设计SYBR Green PCR引物,帮助您评估预先设计的SYBR Green PCR引物集。您可以完全控制设计参数,或者您可以使用默认值,在经过大量的研究和与的交流之后选择。您甚至可以为您的特定研究需求选择您自己的默认设计参数。
Beacon Designer为突变检测提供了一个综合解决方案。高分辨率熔解分析(HRMA)是一种比基于**腺的基因型分析更具有成本效益的方法。该程序使用专有算法,可以设计出检测突变的佳引物。
SYBR® Green Primer Design
TaqMan® Probe Design
Multiplex Real Time PCR Assay Design
HRMA Primer Design
MethyLight TaqMan® Design
Molecular Beacon Design
NASBA® Assay Design
FRET Probe Design
Scorpions® Design
Avoiding Cross Homology- For Specific Oligo Design
Avoid Template Structures- Increase Primer Efficiency
Oligo Rating