Sequencher DNA序列分析软件是科学家们必备的工具。持续发展和改进超过25年,Sequencher提供了无与伦比的功能特征,成千上万的出版物都有相关的应用介绍。新手用户可以以少的时间投资产生结果,而有经验的用户会惊叹于功能的深度和控制。Sequencher自带各种专有算法,可以为Sanger, Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS)和RNA-Seq序列数据生成结果。
Clustal[1] has been part of the Sequencher family of plugins since version 4.9. It is a widely used multiple-sequence alignment program which works by determining all pairwise alignments on a set of sequences, then constructs a dendrogram grouping the sequences by approximate similarity and then finally performs the alignment using the dendogram as a guide. You can use Clustal to align your sequences directly from the Sequencher project window. Choose from a range of parameters to control the alignment process.
Once the process is complete and MUSCLE has built the alignment, you will see the results as a contig within Sequencher. Use Sequencher’s tools to annotate your alignment or export your alignment and place it into a special phylogenetics program.
Gene Codes has long been an innovator, investing in the R&D to develop powerful features for your DNA sequence analysis. Gene Codes developed the Assemble to Reference Sequence strategy that is widely used to speed up assembly and assign base-numbering systems and features to new data. The variance table was developed in the mid 1990's and became a key element first for forensic sequencing of mtDNA, and then for virtually all of our collaborators.