3D Bar Plot
3D Surface Plot
3D Function & Parametric Function Plots
3D Ribbons/Walls Plot
3D Waterfall Plot
3D Ternary Plot
3D Pie Chart
3D Column Chart
3D Ternary Plot (Scatter or Colormap Surface)
Tetrahedral Scatters/Lines/Line+Symbols
Voronoi Diagram
Correlation Plot
Paired Comparison Plot
Means Plot
Venn Diagram
Forest Plot
Polar/Ternary Kernel Density Plot
Poincare Plot
Andrews Plot
Manhattan Plot for GWAS
3D Stacked Histograms
3D Wall Profile
Zoomed Inset
Treemap Plot
Polyline Profile
Heat Map with Dendrogram
Marginal Abatement Cost Curve
Soil and Rocks Classification Diagrams
Piper Diagram
3D Wind Ros
Isosurface Plot
Origin graphs and analysis results can automatically update on data or parameter change, allowing you to create templates for repetitive tasks or to perform batch operations from the user interface, without the need for programming.
Graph Types
Column & Bar Charts: Basic, Stacked, Grouped
Floating Column & Bar Charts
Bridge Plot
2D Pie and Doughnut Chart
Line Plot
Concurrent Network (Floating) License