Drag-and-drop coding and annotation.
Filtering of responses using text search expressions with Boolean operators
Filtering of responses based on the number of codes (uncoded, coded, more than n codes, etc.) as well as on the presence or absence of specific codes.
Numerous Additional Improvements
Several new options and interface improvements have been made to existing dialog boxes (code color selection, graphic options, etc.), management and analysis features.
New Grid view mode for coding short responses
While appropriate for coding long documents, the standard document/case centric view of QDA Miner was less suited for coding short text responses such as response to open-ended questions or short comments. Now, QDA Miner 6 introduces a new grid view mode that provides a convenient and very efficient way to code this kind of text data. It is useful for everyone coding any type of open-ended comments, including surveys, employee comments, customer comments and allows one to quickly identify trends in a survey or major support issues that need to be addressed. It includes features such as:
New Table Format and Table Editor
A new proprietary table format (*.pgrd) has been added to the exportation of tables to disk, allowing one to easily edit and annotate tables produced by QDA Miner. A free standalone table viewer may also be downloaded from our web site, allowing anyone to view, edit and annotate saved tables.