Alternative Splicing
DNA microarray is perhaps the most useful technology for splice variant studies. AlleleID® includes the ability to design microarray probes for detecting alternative splicing and gene splicing events.
AlleleID® designs two types of microarray probes that we call junction probes and exon probes, giving the user complete control over the design parameters.
AlleleID® detects the alternative splicing events by designing probes for each junction and/or for each splice variant created.
AlleleID® Provides a Number of Options for Species Identification
Unique Probes with Unique Primers: When the probe type chosen is Unique, AlleleID® designs probes to identify each sequence in the Bind To box, one probe per sequence. The program searches for base positions that are unique to each individual sequence in the alignment. The probes are centered as close as possible over these unique bases, so that even when the mismatch is only one base, the assay succeeds.
When designing a taxa specific assay, AlleleID® designs a single common probe to identify a taxa or a group of organisms from the mix. For challenging problems when such designs are not feasible, AlleleID® attempts the design by minimizing mismatches, avoiding them especially towards the more problematic 3' end.
高度特寡核苷酸通过回避自动注释BLAST搜索结果找到的显著同源性区域而设计。实时定量PCR引物和探针阻止模板形成二级结构提升效率。"Minimal Set",该程序具创新性的特点之一,有助于设计少数量的等位基因特寡核苷酸引物和双标记探针,其特地识别来自混合物的所需物种/菌株/类群中的每一个,降低化验成本。对于类群或跨种分析,当类群或类群高度不同时,该特征尤其有用。对于一组预先设计的、经过验证的引物,AlleleID可以设计兼容的引物和探针的其余序列的物种或类群特检测。
AlleleID可以设计优的SYBR Green引物、TaqMan探针、TaqMan Minor Groove Bingding
设计Luminex xMAP试验
基于Luminex’s xMAP技术,AlleleID可以设计应用于悬浮阵列系统的应变-微分多重分析设计。如果您研究的是密切相关的生物体,这个功能可以帮助您在一个反应体系中进行等位基因特引物延伸(ASPE)和DHA检测。
AlleleID是设计MLPA合成探针或者由MRC Holland引入的多重连接依赖探针扩增技术的程序,当合适的工具包不可用时,研究人员能够扩展这项技术。这是一种快速增长的高通量基因图谱分析方法。可以检测外显子缺失、拷贝数变化和CpG甲基化模式。具有成本效益合适、敏感性高、特好和可再生性好等特点。