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Creating a Grid System
FLO-2D requires two sets of data: topography and hydrology. Topography can be represented by a digital terrain model (DTM) points, contour mapping or survey data. The grid element elevations are assigned from an interpolation of the DTM points. A pre-processor program called the Grid Developer System (GDS) generates the grid system and assigns the elevations. A typical grid element size will range from 10 ft (3 m) to 500 ft (150 m). The number of square grid elements is unlimited.
FLO-2D Pro is all inclusive package to develop, simulate and map any flood project for a single annual subscription price of $995/yr. No additional software is necessary. Install and activate the model system on any number of computers in the office. No hardware keys or complex server licenses are required. Model development, flood mapping and animations are done with provided GIS compatible data files and pre- and post-processor programs.
Channel Flow and Exchange of Channel and Floodplain Discharge
One-dimensional channel flow is simulated with rectangular, trapezoidal or surveyed cross sections. Unconfined floodplain flow is simulated in eight directions (4 compass directions and 4 diagonal directions). Overbank flow or return flow to the channel is simulated for each timestep. For detailed simulations the channel can be larger than the grid element. Tributary inflow is unlimited. The GDS can convert HECRAS cross sections into a data file formatted for FLO-2D.