which visualizes, processes, and manages spectroscopy data. IQ Predict is one of many complementary, fully integrated applications that you can use with GRAMS Suite to customize the software to your needs and increase productivity in your area of spectroscopic analysis.
• GRAMS/3D for visualizing multi-dimensional data sets;
• Spectral DB for creating shared workgroup
databases for managing spectral data;
• Spectral ID for performing qualitative
spectral identifi cations;
• GRAMS IQ™ for creating qualitative
and quantitative chemometric
calibration models;
• IQ Predict for deploying GRAMS IQ
用于光谱数据管理的光谱数据库 与工作组中的其他人轻松保存,组织,检索,查看和共享数据。 管理和共享光谱和色谱数据
One Tool for Multiple Instruments
GRAMS/AI can work with data from nearly
any kind of analytical instrument including
optical spectroscopy (FTIR, Raman, NIR,
UV-Vis, Fluorescence), NMR, and hyphenated techniques (LC/GC-MS, LC-PDA). Data
can be directly read from its original format
using the GRAMS Suite SmartConvert™
technology, which automatically recognizes
hundreds of different fi le formats.